SemTalk Online

It’s finally here – SemTalk Online as a browser-based editor!  

Document business processes in your: 

  • Browser 
  • Microsoft Teams 
  • Microsoft SharePoint 
  • Or on your PC  

Rapidly create high quality models using: 

  • Pre-defined Quick Shapes 
  • Quick formatting options 
  • Vocabulary-based modelling 
  • Embedded modelling rules 

Create corporate-wide value by: 

  • Linking relevant documents to process elements 
  • Merging diagrams and models into an interconnected model landscape 
  • Publishing processes and associated information into a centralized portal application 
  • Enhancing company knowledge by making key information accessible 
  • Utilizing Microsoft’s broad integration platform 
  • Connecting meaningful process-related information into your intranet 
  • Integrating processes into Workflow-Systems 
  • Defining SharePoint and Term Store Meta Data 
  • Classifying document types 
  • Generating task lists in Microsoft ToDo (aka Planner) 

Explore the many additional SemTalk Online functionalities designed to enrich and optimally take advantage of your process data: 

  • Get inspired by using integrated ChatGPT  
  • Customize header and footer information to best suit your needs 
  • Mange your vocabulary in a centralized repository 
  • Model in multiple languages 
  • Simulate process flows 
  • Create ontological und vocabulary models specific to your organization 
  • Export your process data using one of the many export options 

This Video was create to give you a first impression about SemTalk Online. If you want to try it yourself, register to gain access to our free testing environment.  Test environment – Semtation GmbH.  

Available SemTalk Online functionalities are covered in our Tutorial Wiki. 

SemTalk Online can be used in Semtation GmbH’s hosted infrastructure (Microsoft Azure) or it can be installed in your company’s infrastructre (your institution’s Cloud or server landscape). Contact us and we will gladly help you to find the most appropriate solution to meet your needs. 

If you have any questions or would like to make any suggestions, please use SemTalkOnline/SemTalkOnline · Discussions · GitHub, or contact at or +49 (0)331 581 39 36.